How to disable “Random page” in MediaWiki


Surprisingly enough, I have a problem finding a solution to this—I want to disable / remove the Random page link from a MediaWiki wiki on the left bar.

I think it is hard to find the answer on Google because "Random page" appears in many wikis as the actual link for Random page, but maybe I am googling for the wrong thing.

I couldn't find anything in LocalSettings.php either.

Best Answer

The code for the sidebar is in the page MediaWiki:Sidebar. It should be enough to remove the line ** randompage-url|randompage from there. You need administrative privileges to edit that page.

Note that this does not actually disable the “Random page” feature (that's still accessible from Special:Random), it just removes the link from the sidebar. If you want to remove it altogether, you can add the following code to your LocalSettings.php:

function disableSpecialRandom(&$list) {
        return true;