How to download, in bulk, all of the photos in a Flickr “guest pass” URL set


A photographer friend sent me a Flickr guest pass URL for an event my family also attended. I'm interested in downloading most (might as well be all) of the photos in the set. However, I'm not interested in doing the pointy-clicky thing hundreds of times to get at each of the 200+ original-resolution photos.

Is there a way – whether another web site or tool – to download, in bulk, all photos in a Flickr guest pass URL set?

Note: This is different from other Flickr bulk download questions because I am interested in downloads via the guest pass access specifically. I've come across services and tools that provide bulk-download of one's own photos, but not guest pass sets.

Best Answer

there are couple of ways you can do that.

Using browser extension

For Firefox there is great extension called Save images which lets you download images from the page automatically, I think same can be found for chrome.

But my Favorite is simple application called wget. It is a command line application which can download anything from a given page, you can also set filters for download. But the only problem with this is that you have to be advance user to use it efficiently.