How to download the Gravatar icon


I want to download the avatar photo from my personal Gravatar profile.

I've unsuccessfully tried:

  • Clicking the photo on my profile. (Leads to resized 80×80 image)
  • Right-clicking my profile's photo and select Save image as (Option not available)
  • Searching the My Gravatars page.
  • Viewing my account's Photo Gallery.

Is there a way to download my personal profile icon from Gravatar?

Best Answer

You can request anyone's avatar with curl like this:

curl "$(md5 -q -s" > avatar.png

Replacing with your (or anyone else's) email address, and 300 with the pixel size (up to 2048). For example, s=300 will get you a 300x300 pixel image.

If you don't have access to a Unix command line, or would like to figure out the URL to enter directly, you'll need to generate the MD5 checksum of the email address. You can do that via various online tools, like this one.

Once you have the MD5 checksum, just plug it into the URL. For example, mine is 51e61f099c7b1ac0588ecda69193f75c, so my Gravatar URL is for a 300x300 PNG.