GitHub – How to Enable Bountysource Plugin for Issue Integration


I have Authorized app (Bountysource) at /settings/applications on GitHub (by linking my account into GitHub).

Now I would like to have interactive integration with GitHub issues (so it'll automatically add the bounties into the footer), for example:

Want to back this issue? Post a bounty on it! We accept bounties via Bountysource.

There is a $10 open bounty on this issue. Add to the bounty at Bountysource.

as seen in here, here and here.

Any idea how to add that? Is it done by app or maybe some web-browser plugin? What I'm missing?

Best Answer

This can be found in Home/Tools (GitHub Committer Tools) at /tools on Bountysource site.

From there you can choose the option to Modify issue titles and bodies as shown below:

Bountysource GitHub Committer Tools