How to filter deceptive ‘bait & switch’ price listings on Ebay when sorted by price


Example: When searching for "micro hdmi hdmi", I obtain the following list of items.

enter image description here

Looking good, at a cheap price.

enter image description here
enter image description here
However, upon actually selecting the image, the prices changes to a higher price, therefore wasting my time clicking on the deceptive seller's item listing. The seller deceptively lists an irrelevant item (in this case the RJ45 connector) at the 0.99 price, therefore putting his item ahead of competitors despite the fact that his price is far higher.
enter image description here

This technique apparently violates the official Ebay policies, as seen here (emphasis mine):

Not Allowed:

Selling different brands of an item, such as jeans, in a single listing

Offering a choice between two entirely different items, such as a watch or pair of shoes

Selling items that aren't in similar condition, such as a new and a refurbished laptop, in the same listing

Is there a way to outright remove these "select X from a list" listings, or another technique, in order to avoid the deceptive sellers? This has become extremely common, literally every one of the 0.99 pound sellers are deceptively advertising their prices.

Best Answer

I thought I'd post my hacky solution for anyone else stumbling across this in the future.

This works as of May 15, 2017. eBay may change its DOM structure in the meantime. In that case, this will have to be adapted.

  1. Open up the developer console (F12 or right click > Inspect)
  2. Click the "Console" tab
  3. Copy+Paste the following and press Enter:

    $("#ListViewInner > li").each((idx, li) => {
        if(li.innerHTML.indexOf("prRange") > 0)

This just deletes every node that contains the "prRange" class. In principle, something similar to this should work even if eBay changes the structure of their page. You just need to find the resulting container (ListViewInner) and some token that's present in the price range results and is not present in the regular results (prRange)

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