VK.com – How to Follow Another User


I have an account in vk.com, and there when seeing another user profile, you can see it not only says "friends" but also lists "followers". The option to add to friends is in the left, but I can't find the option to just follow anywhere.

How do I follow another user in vk.com?

Best Answer

Follow profile on VK

  • register on https://vk.com/ in order to create an account and log in
  • there are two ways to follow someone's updates on VK:

    • you can just send a friend request to any user, and after this, you will automatically become a follower


    • the alternative is to activate the notifications about updates, by clicking the 3-dot button and choose Notify about posts in the drop-down list (this way you can follow someone without him/her knowing, that you are following him/her)


  • Note that you won't be able to follow someone on VK if:

    • user added your account to his blacklist
    • user has a private account

Follow community in VK

  • following a group or community in VK is pretty much same - there are two options:

    • direct follow by clicking on Follow or Subscribe or Join the community


  • stealth follow by enabling the notifications
