How to get a direct link to a public file I store on OneDrive


On my PC I routinely drop files into OneDrive via the Windows Explorer.
How do I get a link to the file without having to go to the website and sharing it publicly?

Example. I drop file foobar.txt into the public folder and want to send a friend the link to this file. For instance When I click on the link, it should simply download the file, not go to a webpage that lets you download it.

Dropbox provides something like this. You can drop the file into your public folder and then access it as{userid}/foobar.txt

Does OneDrive provide such functionality?

Best Answer

1. Right click the file, for which you want to create download URL, then select share.
2. Then, click on 'Get a link'.
3. Under 'Choose an option' select 'Public'. Click on 'Create link'. Now, you will be given a link. Use that to create direct link.
