How to get a version of a blog post, which is suitable for printing

If there is an interesting blog post, I might want to print it out to read later. However, if I just print the default view from the blog, then I get a lot of redundant stuff (various links, recent comments, related posts etc.).

Many sites have a version for print, but I do not see such thing on blogs published on Did I simply miss it? How can I get a printable version of an article published on a blog?

Best Answer

Not all themes include styles for print, which would generally suppress comments and other unnecessary content. You might try one of the "read later" services (such as Pocket, which is what I use) which do a very good job of distilling out just the content of a blog post and should print them much "cleaner".

Of course, by this time you already have the article in a repository of items you want to read later, so it may be unnecessary to print it at all.