How to get Monthly view in Outlook Web Access in Firefox 4.0


Using Microsoft Office Outlook Web Access in Firefox 4.0 to work with my calendar, I'm only able to get one day up at a time, with a small monthly calendar on the side. In Internet Explorer it lets me log in choosing either Premium or Basic version, and Premium gives me the monthly options. Firefox doesn't give me those two options, and just logs me in as Basic.

How do I change the main view to monthly so I can view my whole month and the appointments in it, OR how can I get Firefox to let me log in as Premium?

OWA Basic

End Result: I used the User Agent Switcher Add-On in Firefox to fake being IE, and while it let me sign in for a Premium session, it didn't function at all. So for now the answer is that OWA Premium does not support Firefox. I'll update this question if I see it change in the future.

Update: I'm now using Firefox 25 and the Web Access Version I'm using is 14.2.342.3 and I have the monthly view, so at some point the version changes allowed it to work right.

Best Answer

There are different versions of OWA floating around but the current version, Outlook Web App (formerly Outlook Web Access) has icons at the top to switch views.
I cannot remember how it was done in earlier versions.

Monthly View for OWA