How to get the real filelocations of all real svg-files on commons.wikimedia


On 7.April I asked here and on the wikipedia help-desk how to get such a list: link

I now downloaded the file "commonswiki-20150417-all-titles".

Then I get all entries that end with ".svg".

So far, so good.

First problem: But how can I automatically find out the path to the real svg-file and not just a preview site with a png or jpg file? The all-titles file only gives the file name, and not the path.

Example: Preview site:
Real svg-file:

Second problem: Some files seem to need to be added a "File:" prefix to to find the preview site. For example: 11-cube_t0_B5.svg

But that "File:" is not needed for the real svg-file path.

How is this dump-file used?

In short: How to get the real path to the real svg-files?