Foursquare – How to Get Weekly Data from Foursquare


I have a client that has a business (gym) and he wants to know who checked-in on that location the most weekly on Foursquare so he can give weekly prizes for the user with most check-ins.

I claimed the location on Foursquare but I can't get to that info.

I can see who were the recent users and top users who checked-in. And if I request an email report for a specific week, I see only for every day how many users checked-in, but not who checked-in.

Is there a way to get to that info?

Best Answer

Venue timeseries data from the Foursquare Merchant API is used for the weekly email summaries which (as you note) only gives aggregate information about visitors (e.g. uniqueVisitors over a given week).

A venue manager is able to get the data for top users over a given period of time through the Venue Stats

In addition to the VENUE_ID parameter you can also give startAt and endAt parameters to get the week you want.

The Venue Stats Response field will include topVisitors:

An array of the top 10 users by check-in count during the time period. Array elements are objects with fields user, a compact user, and checkins, the number of checkins by that user. Does not include users who have opted out of sharing their check-ins with venue managers in their settings.

This way you will be able to see/identify the top users for that week by check-in count .