How to import an external HTML file’s text into a page on the Blogger blog


I want to include an APA-style reference list as an unordered list in a Page on my Blogger blog (now called Google Blogs?). I do not want to type it directly on the Page, for several reasons:

  1. I want to be able to store and update the file locally, which means saving it on my computer and uploading it with a third-party application such as Dreamweaver. That way I don't need to have an internet connection to read it or modify it.
  2. I want to upload the reference list to my personal website and link to it from other personal web pages. Visitors of my website won't have to be taken to my blog, and my blog readers won't have to leave the domain This increases navigational fluency and privacy.

I thought of multiple approaches to this problem:

First, I'd love to use PHP include(), but Blogger doesn't support PHP right now. I believe Server-Side Include also won't work.

Second, I tried using an <object> element, and with a few adjustments of width and height, it looks sufficient. However, since the HTML text from the imported file is not technically included on the Blogger page, it does not appear to implement Blogger styles, nor do the IDs transfer. This is very important to me, as I include navigational IDs (using # in URL) in my links to the reference page, which is a very long list, so that readers can be taken directly to the correct reference citation. As an element, the # IDs do not exist in the Blogger page's code.

The third option is to convert my entire reference document into a JavaScript file with each line containing document.write(), which seems a little much. Ane even so, I'm not sure styles and IDs would convert.

There's got to be an easier way. Any suggestions?

See my original question on the Blogger help forum.

Best Answer

I'm not sure why you want to keep this content separately from the rest of the blog. Blogger has been supporting non-blog pages for several years now. If you want your content to be displayed on every page, you can add a widget with that content.

If you, after all, still want the content to be hosted externally, Blogger supports <iframe /> tag at least on non-blog pages. Here's tag reference from