Google Keep – How to Indent with Non-US Keyboard Shortcut

google-keepkeyboard shortcuts

How do you indent using a keyboard shortcut in Google Keep if you have a non-US-keyboard layout?

On a Swedish keyboard on a Mac I used and the keys to the right of P (Å and ¨) to indent and outdent respectively. (To indent I only needed and Å, but the key next to Å is a dead key making necessary to "trigger" it for this purpose)

(I will add this as answer in 48 hours, the previous paragraph is just to remember it).

Best Answer

On a Swedish keyboard on a Mac I used and the keys to the right of P (Å and ¨) to indent and outdent respectively. (To indent I only needed and Å, but the key next to Å is a dead key making necessary to "trigger" it for this purpose)