LastPass – How to Make LastPass Login to Yelp Automatically

I noticed LastPass does not properly work with Yelp. I had set it to autologin and it didn't. The first time I tried (after already having saved the password) it filled out the login details but didn't submit, the second time I tried it didn't even automatically fill in the log in details. I think the problem may be that I connect to the internet through a VPN so it appears I'm in a different location than the pages for locations I'm trying to rate, so the login page is actually different depending on you (supposed) geographical location. For example, after logging in I somehow get redirected to which seems awfully strange.

So the question is how do you get LastPass to login to Yelp automatically?

Best Answer

Go to your LastPass Vault, Then to Settings > Equivalent Domains. You want to make sure the Yelp Domains you use, are considered equivalent.

This is what I added:,,

Apply the changes in the Settings, (requires Lastpass Master Password verification)

As for Auto Login, that only works if there is a form to AutoFill. So unless you visit the /login page first you won't auto login. You could easily login automatically by just clicking the login button.

Go straight to the login page if you want to auto login, after logon it should send you to the homepage anyway.