How to make the Tumblr tags italicised


I'm using this theme. I put the code below in to make tags visible, but I'm not sure how to make my tags italic/bold/underlined. Can anyone help me out? Google didn't help.

          <font size="2"> 
          <font color="#FFFFFF">
          <a href="{TagURL}">{Tag}</a>

Best Answer

Using the font element is outdated. CSS should be used instead.

You can use this markup:

    <a href="{TagURL}" class="custom_tag">{Tag}</a>

And add this line to your CSS:

.custom_tag {color:#FFF; font-size:1.2em; font-style:italic;}

(You might have to adapt the font-size value; I don’t know what the font element’s size="2" corresponds to.)