How to (most efficiently) download video from Periscope

downloadstreamingvideovideo streaming

Majority of the search results for "download periscope" lead to websites allowing me to download the app.

"download periscope stream" is a much better search term that actually led me to two solutions but none of them are convenient.

1) tried and works – that requires that the phone is connected all the time

(for the whole 50 minutes of the stream)

2) didn't try, should work

Recording screen + using to record audio

(again, 50 minutes waiting)

I also tried using technique described here – – just by observing network request and populating list of URLs to download via wget: ... ==/chunk_1.ts ... ==/chunk_2.ts

But that naive version fails – they check cookie… Maybe I should use PhantomJS to accept cookie and then download the chunks? Before I start digging into that – maybe there is a straightforward, off the bat, ready to go solution I'm missing?

The question is generic and applies to any periscope video.

Bonus question – what if the video is mine – can I retroactively save it to the camera roll from the periscope app? (assuming "autosave broadcast" option was turned off)

Best Answer

Here's my Windows batch script that supports all latest Periscope updates, plus has an option to download multiple replays, record live streams, convert .ts to .mp4 and rotate it, if necessary.

Uses console tools curl, aria2, jq, ffmpeg and two bat scripts by Dave Benham - getTimestamp and JREPL (big thanks for them).

Download (16 mb):
