How to post under a page in Blogger


I have multiple pages in my blog. Now I want to post in different page.


Page 1: Local
Page 2: National
Page 3: International

Post 1: Local Topic 1
Post 2: National Topic 1
Post 2: International Topic 1

Post 1 needs to be under Page 1
Post 2 needs to be under Page 2
Post 3 needs to be under Page 3

Best Answer

Blogger isn't a great system to work with to do this. The link above is one way. Another (which I found simpler for my purposes) was to publish to my home feed, but set the date of the post to some time significantly in the past so the posts are buried underneath my more recent posts. Then, I link my posts to the new page in the order they occurred. I hope this gives people another option!