How to present slides (over browser) in Google slides similar to “office presentation service”


I am trying to "present google slides" online.That is, if people only have a browser and a conference line, I give them a link (ahead of time, say over email), they open it and see what I am presenting in google slide. As I advance the slide/animate, their browser also automatically animates/advances to the next slide.

In other words, I am looking for "Office Presentation Service" equivalent for Google Slides. Does it exist?

Just to clarify – I am not looking for "File>Publish to the web" functionality. The below image is not what I am looking for
enter image description here

It is (a) not synchronous between the "presenter" and the remote participant and (b) does not advance on mouse clicks from the presenter

Best Answer

Google Slides has a presentation mode. You can activate it by going to the “View” menu and selecting “Present”.