Video Subtitles – How to Preserve TED Talk Subtitle and Transcript Language Settings


Right now I have the same question for videos on the TED Talks website as I have for YouTube videos:

Is there any way to save/preserve the settings I make, so that I can forward the video with the settings loading upon opening the URL on a different PC in a different country?

For example I want to set subtitles and transcripts for this video which has an /en/ in it, but hard as I tried, another country short code is not available (the URL goes to nowhere) i.e. changing this part of the string doesn't help.

Any ideas what to do?

Best Answer

Actually it is possible by simply adding the string /languagecode/ (e.g. /en/ or /de/).

You just have to check beforehand if the subtitle already exists! The setting you cannot store though is the "interactive transcript". But once the language is set, the transcript—when opened—is set to that same language (i.e. the translation, not English) as well!
