How to prevent anyone on the web from seeing comments on the Google+ profile picture


When I view my profile as "anyone on the web", they see one post on my profile. This post if of me selecting my profile picture, and includes my friends' comments on that picture.

I don't mind my profile picture being public (how else will people find me?), but I don't want my friends' comments to be visible to the public. How can I change this?

Best Answer

I think @AI Everett is 100% correct. The only suggestion I would make in addition to his is this:

  • Copy your existing profile picture (if you really like it and want to keep it, else upload a new profile picture; it is your choice). Leave this image in the album called "Scrapbook photos".

  • Move your existing profile picture, which will include your friends' comments (I'm guessing you want to keep them), from Scrapbook photos to a different album. You can use an existing, private album, or create a new album that is accessible only to certain people or circles.

  • Use the new version of the picture in your Scrapbook photos as your profile picture. Make sure to disable comments on in it!