How to read PDFs with Instapaper


Instapaper currently does not support PDF files, says official support.

But is there a way to easily convert a PDF to a "public" HTML file so that it is readable on Instapaper?

Is there another way to access PDFs on Instapaper?

Best Answer

  1. Convert PDF to HTML using IDR Solutions PDF Converter
  2. Click "View Online"
  3. Use the Instapaper bookmarklet to save the PDF to your Instapaper account

Warning: This works, but not perfectly as formatting can get a little screwy.

FWIW, I also tried downloading the raw HTML and pasting it into Glitch, but the PDF character count is like 20k, and the Glitch server timed out. Also, I'm not sure that Instapaper works on websites.

If you know of a better solution, please lemme know.