GitHub – Receive Notification for Wiki Edits


I own a GitHub organisation and project. Unknown people (out of the organization) sometimes edit my project's wiki, which is cool.

How can I receive a notification when someone edits my project's GitHub wiki?
I "watch" my project but don't receive any notification.

Preferably via email or RSS/Atom.

Best Answer

I think that you only have to have the project watched. It should send you notifications when anything such as issues and the WIKI are updated.


As the updated question states, watching does not give you updates on the Wiki.

However, this question has been asked on StackOverflow: How can you track or be notified of changes to GitHub wikis? A couple of approaches are given including an RSS feed & one based on Service Hooks.

The RSS feed is easy to use. The URL is not exposed anywhere but is built up like this:<user>/<repo>/wiki.atom