How to reconnect an API app on Vimeo


I have an API app on Vimeo that I use to collect data such from my videos such as views and privacy settings. It is listed at .

I was looking to include upload access and, in doing so, I clicked the button "Disconnect" on my app at Now the app no longer works and I get <Response [401]> (Unauthorized) from Vimeo. I cannot find how to reconnect it on either page, nor did I find any documentation about connecting or disconnecting apps.

How can I connect my Vimeo app again?

Best Answer

After emails with Vimeo support, the problem was that by disconnecting the app, the personal access token was revoked. To reconnect the app, create a new personal access token at

Vimeo generate access token

Then the app should become listed at Remember to change the previous token to the new one in your client-side code.