How to redirect a section of a Wikipedia article to another article


On Wikipedia, is it possible to redirect a section of one article to another article? I occassionally need to move sections of Wikipedia articles to other articles, and re-target all links to that section, but I currently don't know of any way to do this (besides re-targeting every single link manually). The {{anchor|section name}} template can be used to redirect one section to another section within the same article, but I'm not sure if it's possible to redirect one article's section to another article's section using this template. Is there any Wikipedia template (or some other method) that can be used to redirect a section of one article to another article?

Best Answer

No, there is no way to do that.

The only way this could work is if the source article contained some JavaScript code that would detect this situation and would redirect to the target page. As far as I know, there is no such code on Wikipedia.