GitHub – How to Remove Read Notifications


Last week (I think), the mark all as read button vanished from my GitHub notification page, maybe for a few days.

It eventually came back. But now, read notifications just accumulate in a dedicated read drawer and there seem to be no way of getting rid of them…

no <code>clear</code> button

What's going on with GitHub notifications this month?
Where can I find information (and motivation) about these new features?
How do I clear these notifications?

Best Answer

Marking all notifications as read

  • in the upper-right corner of any page, click the bell
  • in the upper right corner of the page, click Mark all as read

To remove Read notifications you can unread them into Unread or:

  • unwatch repositories
  • leave teams
  • lock conversations
  • wait a few days until they vanish on themselves

More about notifications:

GitHub changelog:

Feedback links: