How to report a bug to a GitHub project, that is missing an issues page


I wanted to try out this project for recording audio files to Android, libogg-vorbis-android.

Unfortunately, it looks like the project is missing some files that weren't added and committed to the repository (I get errors like "Project 'libogg-vorbis' is missing required source folder: 'unit'", container 'Android Dependencies' references non existing library libogg-vorbis.jar)

I would report a bug/question on the issues for this project, but there isn't any issues page on this particular project. Why are issues hidden on this project, and is there a way to report something elsewhere?

Best Answer

Issues are an optional feature on GitHub repos. Some project maintainers just choose to not open that part and instead would rather you create a pull request, which is standard and activated on all repositories.

To track down a way to contact the owner/maintainer(s) of the project:

  • Look at the profile of the user or organisation under which the project falls under. They will often have either an email or website you can contact them through
  • See if the repo has a project page, where they may list contact details
  • The README will often include contact information