How to report a problem to Google in situations where there is no link to their Feedback System


Suppose I find a broken sentence, or a feature that is not working. Is there a way to report this to Google in situations where there is no link to their Feedback System?

Can you describe briefly what I can and cannot do if I want to send a feedback message to Google?

Best Answer

It really depends on the product which you want to report, so it can be read by the right people who're actually dealing with it.


For example on YouTube in footer menu you can click Help and Send feedback, which will open you feedback form and you can report anything including highlight areas of the page relevant to your feedback.

If you'd like to report any complaint (spam, legal issues, etc.), use Reporting tool. Otherwise check Contact Us page for more contact details.

Otherwise, if you're looking for help, please use forum.


If you're using Gmail, you may use Google Feedback tool found in Settings (gear icon) and select Send Feedback. Otherwise use forum.

See: Where to report Gmail problems?

All Google Products

If you're using any specific software, first of all look for options there.

Then in general, it's advised to use Google Product Forums (similar like Apple), so you can get the help faster from community. And if your problem persist or it would be on Google side, then your issue would be redirected to the right people from there (similar as in Apple forum, I guess).

If you'd like to report the problem directly to Google for any specific product, go to Google Contact Us page and select from the dropdown menu the google product of interest. Then usually you'll have proper links to Contact Us or Forum to report the appropriate problem (or when asked if some article is useful, say it no, you'll be shown another form to send a feedback).