Tumblr – How to Report Bugs


I have noticed that using Markdown support in Tumblr, there is a problem with code formatting. For example, in this post:


I've used the Markdown support in my code snippet. You'll notice that the code starts out like this:

 TabHost tabHost = getTabHost();
TabHost.TabSpec tab = tabHost.newTabSpec("tab1")

There's an annoying space in the front of the first line. If I try to delete that space (by shrinking my first-line-indent from 4 spaces to 3) you'll not be surprised to learn that this makes it so that the snippet is no longer considered code and is thus formatted incorrectly.

I do not expect a solution to this bug here — but how do I report this bug to Tumblr?

Best Answer

Problems with Tumblr are best submitted via the "Contact Support" link at the bottom of their help page.

There is also an old Get Satisfaction page, but this doesn't appear to get much use any more.