Draw.io Tips – How to Rotate Multiple Objects Relatively


Alright, so I'm creating a card game, and there's an icon and number on the top left of the card. On the bottom right, it should be mirrored so that if the card is dealt upside-down, time is not wasted. A good example is standard playing cards with the numbers and royals mirrored on both sides.

My icon consists of multiple shapes in different rotations (20,5,350,335 degrees), so it would be tedious to manually rotate. Example: https://gyazo.com/1951f9bf82435518fe19a070d54b5ae6

When I try to rotate all of them, there is no button for relative rotation — I can only enter an absolute rotation such as 90 degrees in the format panel, and then my icon is messed up.

For now, I ended up manually rotating all of them and changing the coordinates so that the manual rotations would fit as a whole. Maybe I might be wasting my time, though.

Best Answer


  • hold CTRL key and select objects you want to rotate
  • go to Arrange
  • select Direction
  • select Rotation
  • enter the desired value
  • press Apply

enter image description here


  • hold CTRL key and select objects you want to rotate
  • press CTRL+G to lock them in a group
  • rotate object as desired


  • hold CTRL key and select objects you want to rotate
  • press CTRL+G to lock them in a group
  • go to Arrange
  • select Direction
  • select Rotation
  • enter the desired value
  • press Apply
  • rotate object as desired based on outside point