Yahoo Mail – How to Search and Sort Emails in Spam Folder


In Yahoo Mail, I am checking the emails in my spam folder, just in case that some emails have been mistaken as spam.

  1. But in the spam folder, the emails are sorted by their "nominal"
    receiving times, instead of the actual receiving times. By "nominal"
    receiving time, I mean some spam emails fake their receiving time to
    be a future time in order to stay at the top of other emails, which
    makes sorting emails in the time order difficult for me. So I wonder
    if it is possible to sort emails by their actual receiving time?
  2. A side question: Is it possible to search some keywords in the
    emails in the spam folder? It seems not possible by using the top
    right search box.

Best Answer

You have to check your spam messages one by one in Yahoo Mail if you want to make 100% sure you don't miss any real messages. So,

  1. There is no way to sort emails by their actual date/time in Yahoo Mail.
  2. Yahoo Mail does not let you search in Spam folder.

I am a long-time Yahoo Mail user and I also have these problems.