Product Reviews – How to Search for Product Reviews Without Junk Sites


When using a search engine to look for <product xyz> reviews, tons of useless sites are returned that don't give real product feedback.

Is there any way to search for 3rd party information on a product while

Fake news sites
Astroturfing sites
Places that sell the product (unless they have useful reviews)

Legitimate review sites and blogs
Sites like stack exchange
Legit discussion forums

One example is searching for reviews on a fat camp called "Camp Technique". The first 50 Google results are mostly useless. Even if no useful feedback sites exists for this company, shouldn't it be easier to know there is nothing useful?

The bottom line is how to find 3rd party product information with the best signal to noise ratio and less junk sites.

Best Answer

Block the offending sites from Google search

If you have a Google account you can sign up for one either by creating a Gmail account at or by creating a Google account using an existing email at

Once you have an account, go to your dashboard.

There's a section called blocked sites. Enter the site's domain name (including http://) to block all results from that specific site.

It blocks on the domain level, so you may need to put in multiple entries for a site.


That should help you eliminate the worst offenders. Enjoy...

Note: I don't have the link to reference but I'm pretty sure that Google allows a max of 500 sites that you can block from the search results.

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