Yelp – How to See Higher Resolution Yelp Photos

Even though one can upload high-resolution photos to Yelp, the images Yelp shows on business pages seem limited to a resolution of 600×400. Sometimes that makes it impossible to see what someone means (example).

Is there some URL hack to access larger versions of a Yelp photo? Many sites store the original along with the sized-down version they present to the user, and the original is sometimes accessible by changing the photo's URL (e.g. Instagram, Flickr).

I've tweeted at them, but I doubt they'll do anything about it quickly.

Best Answer

Have you tried right-clicking and 'view image' or 'view image in new tab'? In the example you linked, I get a 568x1000 pixel image. That is larger than the 400x600 you mention.

It seems like there is no way to dynamically grab this with the API though. :(

There is some more detailed info in this post, which basically lists the 5 images you can get:

  • image_url - URL of photo for this business
  • snippet_image_url - URL of snippet image associated with this business
  • deals.image_url - Deal
  • image url gift_certificates.image_url - Gift certificate image url
  • reviews.user.image_url - User profile image url