Google Play Music – How to See Which Playlists a Song Is Included In


How can I see which playlists a song is included in on Google Play Music? It'd be nice if I could click the three dots when hovering the track and click something like "Included in playlists…" to see a list.

I know I can navigate to a playlist and see the songs included in it. I also know that I can try adding a song to a playlist and it will say if it's a duplicate or not. Neither of these things are what I'm interested in.

Native would be preferable, but a userscript or third party solution would also be acceptable (although I've looked into it and can't think of a way it would be possible, which is why I'm asking here).

Best Answer

If you create a text file for your playlist data and also a text file of your song list both in JSON form, you can use the following script to do just this:


It takes a few seconds to run when there are lots of tracks and playlists.


<p>Please note that this will take a few seconds to run if you have a large amount of songs and playlists.</p>
<label>Song text file (generated from <a href="">this answer</a>): <input type="file" id="songInput"></label>
<label>Playlist text file (generated from <a href="">this answer</a>): <input type="file" id="playlistInput"></label>
<textarea style="width: 500px; height: 200px;"></textarea>


var songInput = document.getElementById("songInput"),
    playlistInput = document.getElementById("playlistInput"),
    result = document.querySelector("textarea");

var songList, 

function loadData(id, elem) {
    && elem.files[0]) {
        let myFile = elem.files[0];
        let reader = new FileReader();

        reader.addEventListener('load', function (e) {
            if(id === "songInput")
                songList = JSON.parse(;

            if(id === "playlistInput")
                playlistData =;



function checkBothAdded() {
    && playlistData) {

/* Needed to escape song names that have (), [], etc. */
function regexEscape(s) {
    return s.replace(/[-\/\\^$*+?.()|[\]{}]/g, '\\$&');

var songData = {};
function getSongPlaylistData() {
    for(let song of songList) {
        let playlistsItsIn = [];

        /* Use regex to search the playlist file for all instances,
           add the playlist name that it's in (if any) to an array. */
        let reg = new RegExp('"([^"]*?)":(?=[^\\]]+' + regexEscape(song) + ')', "g");
        let result;
        while((result = reg.exec(playlistData)) !== null) {

        // Update our song data object
        songData[song] = playlistsItsIn;

    result.value = JSON.stringify(songData, null, '\t');

songInput.addEventListener("change", function() {
    loadData("songInput", this);

playlistInput.addEventListener("change", function() {
    loadData("playlistInput", this);