Send HTML Email Outlook – How to Send an HTML Email with New Web Access

I have a piece of HTML which I want to send as an e-mail. In previous versions had an option to "edit HTML" but I am not finding anything similar in the latest version. How can I do that now?

Best Answer

The easiest way to add HTML to an email for a browser-based email client is to copy and paste it. But the catch is, you can't copy and paste the actual HTML markup -- you have to capture the results of the HTML.

This article has a good detailed breakdown of how to copy and paste HTML code into an email. (Note that for step #1, you don't need an actual HTML editor; you can use any text editor, like Notepad.)

EDIT: This method works with mixed results in the email editor. For example, copying and pasting the Stack Overflow toolbar renders outside the body of the email:

enter image description here

but other HTML snippets will render inside the body, like this Stack Overflow content:

enter image description here

However, both examples were able to be sent, and the HTML rendered correctly in the received email (and was functional -- links could be opened).