How to send out email updates from a private Blogger blog when adding new posts


I am setting up a blog using Blogger that needs to remain private. I understand that a private blog cannot have an RSS feed or use feedburner for email notifications.

I am wondering what other options I have for users to receive an email notification of new posts on the blog. I found a site suggesting that I could set up a Google group and use the email address for the group to send posts out to users, but I tried this and no email was sent out, i.e. I added the email address for the Google group to Settings/Mobile and Email/Email Posts to in Blogger, but the members of the Google group didn't receive an email.

I am wondering if there are other options?

Best Answer

The problem can be resolved by following these steps:

  1. Go to Blogger Dashboard > Settings > Mobile and email
  2. Click on "Add" in "Email posts to" section
  3. Mention desired email in the column and click on Save settings

Now, every post will reach the mentioned email address. If you want to put more than one email address, separate them with a comma.