How to separate the Flickr non-friend contacts feed from the Flickr friends feed


I can get an RSS feed of my contact's photos via , at a URL of the form:<MyUserId>@N00&friends=0&display_all=0&lang=en-us&format=atom

And if I change the friend=0 to friend=1 then I'll get a feed of my friend's photos only.

However, the contacts feed will contain both friends and non-friends photos, so if I subscribe to both I'll get duplicates.

How can I get a feed that contains only photos from contacts who aren't friends?

I thought I might be able to achieve this using Yahoo Pipes, but I haven't figured out how.

Best Answer

You can achieve it via Yahoo Pipes.

  1. Make two Fetch Data Modules. One with friend=0 and one with friend=1 Let 'channel.item' be your path
  2. Create a Union between these two.
  3. Apply the Unique module and filter by item.title
  4. Slap in a Filter that filters for repeats using item.y:repeatcount then hook it to the Pipe Output

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