How to set public read-only access for one Dropbox file


Is it possible to create a dropbox account with two types of users:

  1. The owner (me) with full permissions (read/write).
  2. The public (members of a club) with read-only access to the one file in the box.

The club is getting new members every day. So we will need a person to welcome the new member, ask for her e-mail address, then add her to the list of people, who shares the file.

My idea is to create an account with a short name, that is easy to remember, and give that name to the new member. This account should then hold the LINK to the "public" file in the other Dropbox account. My paranoia is that malicious members could delete, or edit that.

Best Answer


  1. Make a Dropbox account in the usual way.
  2. Put the file(s) in your public folder.
  3. Right-click the file, select copy public link.
  4. Share that link. E.g. this.
  5. Repeat until done.