How to stop getting suggestions for a specific group

meetup is useful, but it never forgets anything, even when I tell it to.

If I mark down an interest and then later remove it, or if I join a group and then leave it, or even if I just look at the group's page too often, Meetup will use that data over and over again to make totally useless suggestions for meetups that I will never actually go to, either because I don't want to go to meetups for that interest, or because I'm not eligible to join the group.

Is there any way to stop from suggesting a specific group, or from using a specific interest wastefully to suggest groups?

Best Answer

If you have a browser extension like TaperMonkey for Chrome or GreaseMonkey for Firefox, you can run some quick JavaScript every time is run and delete any items against your blacklisted criteria.

Assuming you wanted to hide the following groups:

Then just take the two group names and add them to the blacklist in the script below

var blacklist = ["GroupWithDailyMeetups", SpammyGroup];
var blRegex = new RegExp(blacklist.join("|"));
$("a").filter(function(i,el) { return (blRegex.test(el.href)); })