WordPress.com – Stop Post Editor from Inserting Nonbreaking Spaces


The WordPress.com post editor has an annoying habit of inserting the   character in posts. This wouldn't be a problem if it inserted it appropriately, or even consistently. This is, alas, not the case; as far as I can tell, there's no pattern. It'll go for weeks at a time, barely using one; then filling a post with dozens of these things.

Sure, I could get BBEdit to strip these out, but is it possible to disable this in the first place? Even better, is it possible to set things up so that posts I get from other writers get these stripped out? (My guess, based on how their format tags fall, is that most of them use the visual editor.) Or am I just gonna have to tough this out until the site gets big enough to warrant a proper WordPress.org installation?

Best Answer

Try wrapping your posts in a div tag, it won't affect the layout and I found that helps when WP tries to add characters to my posts