How to unsubscribe from “LinkedIn Network Updates”


I still receive "LinkedIn Network Updates" emails even though I configured my settings to not receive them:

  • "Network activity" set to "No email"
  • "Network activity discussions" set to "No email"
  • "Top articles news digest" set to "No email"
  • "Turn on/off LinkedIn announcements" set to off

Did I miss some settings somewhere?


Following on from the answer posted by Barry, I received this response from LinkedIn Support:

Hi Nicolas,

Thank you for contacting LinkedIn
Customer Service. I sincerely
apologize for the inconvenience this
has caused. Please know that we are
fully aware of this issue and have a
team of dedicated, highly qualified
individuals who are working diligently
to resolve this. As a workaround, for
the time being, you can try and reset
to turn on Weekly Digest Email and
Save Changes, then set to No Email and
save changes again.

I appreciate your patience and support
as we attempt to resolve this matter.


LinkedIn Customer Service

Best Answer

I am pretty sure you haven't missed anything. Those are pretty much the same settings that I have and I don't receive any emails from them.

You may well have to contact LinkedIn Support directly.