Yahoo Mail – How to Use a Folder


When I created a folder in my Yahoo mail

  1. is there any way to save mails from a particular address in that folder automatically?

  2. and is there any way to encrypt a folder?

Best Answer

Yahoo mail is protected with username and password and this is the primary security for your files and there in no way to encrypt the folder within your yahoo mail.

Follow the below procedure to send the mails from particular address to your desired folder

  • Select Options | Mail Options from the toolbar.
  • Go to the Filters category.
  • Click the + Add button.
  • Type the sender's name under Filter Name:.
  • Enter the desired sender's email address under Sender: Contains.
  • Make sure sender match case is not checked.
  • Under Then deliver the email to the following folder, select the desired target folder from the drop-down menu.
  • If you have not yet created a folder for the contact, select [New Folder], Type the new folder's name under Folder name and click OK.
  • Click Save.

Hope this helps!