HTML, Markdown or Textile support in LinkedIn discussion groups


Does LinkedIn support HTML, Markdown or Textile in their discussion groups?

I wrote a long comment in a discussion group on LinkedIn that would have been much easier to read if I could give it some structure like we can here or in GitHub comments.

I could just try standard HTML, Markdown and Textile in the LinkedIn posts, but that would basically be spamming.

Best Answer

LinkedIn does not support any of these tools "out of the box".

I created a new private LinkedIn group in which I could make test posts all day long without bothering anyone. HTML, Markdown and Textile all just rendered as plain text with gobbledegook. Some examples:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here [n.b.: I am new to Textile, so that formatting may be incorrect. Even if so I'd bet you a dollar that correctly written Textile wouldn't work in a LinkedIn discussion.]

I'll poke around and see if there are any browser extensions or something that will allow this sort of thing. Stay tuned.