I want to submit lyrics to lyrics.wikia.com but copyright infringement issues


i want to submit lyrics to lyrics.wikia.com but I worry about copyright infringement issues

I do not understand how the Copyrights work in lyrics.wikia.com

They claimed that Copyrights to lyrics are held by their respective owners and are licensed through Gracenote.

However how is this possible if the content is user-submitted?

Example, a user (me) submitted copyrighted lyrics to lyrics.wikia.com, then wouldn't lyrics.wikia.com be in trouble?

I've read these links:




Best Answer

Lyrics Wikia tries to license all user submitted lyrics content via Gracenote which is a service selling rights to use Song meta data according to their FAQ. However I'm unsure whether they are actually doing this and what about songs that aren't in Gracenote's database.