IFTTT Instagram to Twitter applet not working


An applet I have for posting from Instagram to Twitter isn't working. When I click "check now" all I get is a message saying "We can't check your applet right now" and it always give the same message. The applet never run and the only item that appears in the activity log is the creation of the applet. I used to have applets like this one which worked perfectly, what can it be?

Best Answer

Do your IG posts have a lot of hashtags? I stumbled across this forum Q bc my latest IG post kept failing to fire IFTTT to Twitter, and I got the same error message as you when I tried to check the applet. After the third time I then tried it again with just a simple "test" caption and suddenly it worked fine. I have posted long captions before so I don't think it was the character limit per se, but I think the problem post couldn't tweet because of something in the caption.