Google Docs – Import SVG Files as Drawing


I've a drawing I made in SVG format and I'd like to include it in a Google document I'm writing. I tried uploading the SVG file but it only lets me view it, not edit it. Any Google searches for uploading SVG to Google Docs find lots of people asking for the feature but no hints on how to do it.

Is it impossible for now?

Is there any API for Google Drawings?

Any way to create a Google drawing other than dragging a mouse around on their web site?

I tried uploading an OpenOffice text document that included a drawing, but the drawing got removed.

Best Answer

The information to convert .svg into .wmf has been obsoleted. At some point during year 2016 Google chose not to accept .wmf-files anymore. The correct solution is to convert .svg into .emf, which does work at the time of writing. My recommendation is to use free-of-charge service CloudConvert for .emf conversion, there is no software to be owned or installed.

I created a newbie guide for .svg into .emf conversion.