Importing to Google Bookmarks


Delicious used to be amazing, but now sucks. I'm looking for a decent alternative that does

  • tag clouds,
  • auto-complete on tags
  • and generally has the amazing goodness that delicious had in 2009+.

I tried Diigo, but found the interface awkward an non-intuitive. I'm now trying Google Bookmarks, but the "import delicious bookmarks" feature isn't working .

  • screen-shot 1 is import failed try via username

  • screen-shot 2 is import failed try via Yahoo OAuth

Alternatively, Google Bookmarks provides a weird manual import process that forces you to

  • download your bookmarks
  • import those bookmarks into FF,
  • then use FF's Google Toolbar to pass FF Bookmarks to "Google Bookmarks". It's bad enough that the alternative to the broken import function, is forcing me to install Google Toolbar to import some bookmarks. The kicker is that Google Toolbar doesn't work for my version of FF (5+).

I've seen this older post, Moving delicious bookmarks to Google Bookmarks , describing the method. But that seems to be the same "not-working-delicious" function that Google Bookmarks started using.

Is there a sane, working way to import delicious bookmarks (with tags), to Google Bookmarks?

Best Answer

There's an import function at:

It works with the new Delicious and imports tags and everything correctly.