WordPress – Displaying Aggregate of Multiple RSS Feeds


I want to display content from 20 different blogs (on multiple platforms some non-WP) in a single public place such that all 20 bloggers can see and track each other's content in a single location.

Please note, I'm aware there is an rss widget to display a single RSS feed and I'm aware I could easily do this self-hosted WP with any of several plugins.

I'm solely wondering if it's possible on wp.com. I'm assuming not, but thought it worth asking as I haven't actively used wp.com in 5+ years and don't know what's changed.

Best Answer

Two ways of doing it, both limited by the number of articles offered by the feed:


Multiple shortcodes can be combined on one page/post to aggregate multiple feeds.

[rss url=http://blog1.example.com/feed]
[rss url=http://blog2.example.com/feed]
<!-- etc -->


Maximum of 20 items to display. Add as many widgets as necessary. The Visibility button has some nice options as well.

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