LinkedIn – How to Edit or Delete Previous Experience Details


Is it possible to edit or delete previous experience details on your LinkedIn profile?

I had a look at their help page but the method mentioned there seems to be applicable only for the experience listed under "Current", not the past.

To remove a position:

  • Click Profile at the top of your home page.
  • Scroll down to the Experience section and find the position.
  • Click Edit.
  • Click the Remove this position link under Update.

On my profile:

linkedin profile

So, is there a way to edit the previous experience details(paid account feature?) or is it not possible?

Best Answer

You need to keep scrolling down the page. You don't need a paid account.

From the toolbar:

Profile > Edit Profile

After the grey box summary, there will be all your profile sections, Experience, Languages, Skills, etc.

where to edit previous experience

Each of your previous positions will have Edit next to them.

Click that and then you'll be taken to a page to edit just that node.

On that page you will see Remove this position under the Update button.