Get Google Voice Number Without Existing Phone Number


I currently have no phone number; I can make outgoing calls via the widget in gmail, but I cannot receive calls (as far as I know). I know that you can set up a google voice number to forward to Google chat, and this is exactly what I want. The problem is, I can't get a Google voice number in the first place, because it first requires that I have an existing phone number, even if I wouldn't use it.

So, it is possible to skip providing an existing phone number, and just get a google voice number that forwards to Google chat?

Alternatively, is there any free phone service that can be used without a phone and lets you receive calls from any number?

Best Answer

IPKall gives you phone number that can be forwarded to a VOIP provider and can be used to receive calls using SIP software. You don't pay for the number and you can get a free VOIP account from some providers, check the IPKall website for examples.

Sipgate One gives you a phone number that can receive calls and you can register SIP client with their servers. You get the number for free, however Sipgate One is out of stock for quite some time.