Picasa Web Albums – How to Print a Photo


In Picasa Web albums I can print the entire page, or download the photo and print.
But is it possible to print the photo directly?

Best Answer

If not directly, the following workaround may work for you:

  1. Navigate to the image in Picasa, so that you're viewing a single photo with navigation arrows on each side
  2. Click the Full screen button
  3. Right-click on the image, and:
    • In Chrome or Firefox: Click Copy image address
    • In Internet Explorer: Click Properties, and select the URL address
    • In Safari: Don't have a Mac right now, but a similar option exists
  4. Click on the browser's location bar, selecting the text already there
  5. Type Ctrl+V (or Command-V on Macs) to paste the image address, and press Enter
  6. The image is displayed in the browser - type Ctrl-P (Command-P) to print it